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🗣️ Inference

Once you have fine-tuned your model, you can run the inferences as simple as follows.

Using a local model

Start with loading your model from a checkpoint after fine-tuning it.

# Make the ncessary imports
from xturing.models.base import BaseModel

# Load the desired model
model = BaseModel.load("/path/to/fine-tuned/model")

Next, we can run do the inference on our model using the .generate() method.

# Make inference
output = model.generate(texts=["Why are the LLMs so important?"])

# Print the generated outputs
print("Generated output: {}".format(output))

Using a pretrained model

Start with loading your model with the default weights

# Make the ncessary imports
from xturing.models.base import BaseModel

# Load the desired model
model = BaseModel.create("llama_lora")

Next, we can run do the inference on our model using the .generate() method.

# Make inference
output = model.generate(texts=["Why are the LLMs so important?"])

# Print the generated outputs
print("Generated output: {}".format(output))