⬇️ Installation
We can install xTuring
globally on our machine, but it is advised to install it inside a virtual environment. Before starting, we have to make sure we have Python 3.0+ installed on our machine.
Install via pip
For this, we have to ensure that we have virtualenv package installed or anaconda setup on our machine.
Start by creating a virtual environment in our working directory:
- virtualenv
- conda
$ virtualenv venv
Activate the virtual environment.
- OSX/Linux
- Windows
$ source venv/bin/activate
Once the virtual environment is activated, we can now install xTuring
library by running the following command on your terminal:
$ pip install xTuring
This will install the latest version of xTuring available on pip.
Finally, we can test if xTuring
has been properly installed by running the following commands on our terminal:
$ python
>>> from xturing.models import BaseModel
>>> model = BaseModel.create('opt')
>>> outputs = model.generate(texts=['Hi How are you?'])
Then print the outputs variable to see what the LLM generated based on the input prompt.
> venv\Scripts\Activate
Once the virtual environment is activated, we can now install xTuring
library by running the following command on your terminal:
> pip install xTuring
This will install the latest version of xTuring available on pip.
Finally, we can test if xTuring
has been properly installed by running the following commands on our terminal:
> python
>>> from xturing.models import BaseModel
>>> model = BaseModel.create('opt')
>>> outputs = model.generate(texts=['Hi How are you?'])
Then print the outputs variable to see what the LLM generated based on the input prompt.
$ conda create -n venv
Activate the conda environment.
- OSX/Linux
- Windows
$ conda activate venv
Once the conda environment is activated, we can now install xTuring
library by running the following command on your terminal:
$ pip install xTuring
This will install the latest version of xTuring available on pip.
Finally, we can test if xTuring
has been properly installed by running the following commands on our terminal:
$ python
>>> from xturing.models import BaseModel
>>> model = BaseModel.create('opt')
>>> outputs = model.generate(texts=['Hi How are you?'])
Then print the outputs variable to see what the LLM generated based on the input prompt.
> conda activate venv
Once the conda environment is activated, we can now install xTuring
library by running the following command on your terminal:
> pip install xTuring
This will install the latest version of xTuring available on pip.
Finally, we can test if xTuring
has been properly installed by running the following commands on our terminal:
> python
>>> from xturing.models import BaseModel
>>> model = BaseModel.create('opt')
>>> outputs = model.generate(texts=['Hi How are you?'])
Then print the outputs variable to see what the LLM generated based on the input prompt.